Sunday 26 March 2023

Baby Boomers vs. Millennials - and other generations!

I'm a proud member of the Gen-X. For years I've been listening to repetitive preconceptions about my generation 
As this year I'm working with a mixed-generation group, I though it would be nice to see how we intercommunicate,  that is, how we understand each other. 


First, I have blue-tacked generation signs, to have a warm-up debate on how, when.....encouraging students to use vocabulary seen in previous sessions (mainly adjectives related to behaviour, personality...)
See my list here


Then, I prepared a Gallery walk aimed at sparking debate, ideas, conversation. Students go around the photos on the wall discussing or if they prefer, writing their main ideas on sticky-notes next to the pictures. 
You can use your own, of if you want to use these ones, here you are: 

Gallery walk posters


After this warm-up, let's go with some listening. The first video is from The Ellen DeGeneres' show. A contest between a Millennial and a Boomer. After watching it, the task can be either asnswering the open questions in the doc below or just commenting which generational misunderstandings have happened to us! 


 This next video is gonna be harder, so, to start, and following advice from Cristina Cabal, I decided to introduce the listening with an easier task, which can let my students pull up their socks before getting into the real matter. 
Thus, I've prepared some bingo cards, one for each student. First, make sure we all know the words in our cards and then, listen to the video just trying to cross out all the words from your card. The first one gets an applause :)  This simple activity allows the students to recognise key words from the video, and to get a general idea what it is about before the "real" task later. 

Bingo cards here

I've used AI to generate some True / False statements which may help our students get the gist of the video. (0.34 - 3.55)

In case you don't want to print posters, this adobe presentation  should do the trick!

See you soon!😏

Sunday 5 March 2023

Woman of the Year - Written mediation

 Happy International Women's Day 

 The fact that only in 1999 the Time magazine changed the title "Man of the Year" into "Person of the Year" made me feel unsettling. When I came across this link presenting an imaginary version of the magazine where Women were named Women of the Year for her achievements and contributions to humanity I thought I wanted to bring it to my C2 students . 

Click on the image to see the task