Wednesday, 6 April 2022

Global Migration


Migration is a sensitive topic which I, in order to avoid sparking a strong debate, have skipped for many years. Not this, apparently. 

Students can discuss around some ideas, and use the vocabulary list, which may come in handy. 

Next, a short video explains the difference between migrant, asylum seeker and refugee. 

The following activity is a listening from a podcast in which it is said how art can contribute to raise awareness on this issue. Here you'll find the key to the listening task

Finally, students comment on some statements presented.

Find the presentation here

Topic: Migration

Saturday, 2 April 2022


    Linking is an essential part of learning English. It is something that is always flying over us. In general we pay more attention to pronunciation skills, with exercises, but linking is usually out of the equation. However, I think it is worth practising as it improves our speeches and it definitely helps out with our listening skills. 

    That's why I decided to give some light, if it helps.